ADHD that you should know

Monday, July 12, 2010

The ADHD Magnesium Connection

Low iron and zinc levels are often associated with ADHD. Magnesium, though lesser known for its connection to ADHD, is of equal importance. There are also a number of studies linking low magnesium levels to ADD and ADHD symptoms.

Iron and zinc deficiencies have been connected with Attention Deficit Disorder. Magnesium, though lesser recognized for its relationship to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is also a mineral to look at. There are a number of studies connecting low magnesium levels to the conditions of Attention Deficit Disorder. Researchers are not sure if magnesium deficiency leads to Attention Deficit Disorder or if the magnesium supplementation helps reduce the symptoms. Either way, if you have attentional problems, you will want to add magnesium to your diet.

A 1998 examine issued in "Alternative Medicine Review" connected low magnesium levels to Attention Deficit Disorder signs and symptoms. Researchers examined magnesium levels in over 100 ADD students and found that 95% were magnesium deficient. Half of the children were then put on a six-month regiment of 200 mg of magnesium daily. Scientists noted a significant decrease in hyperactivity. This specific analysis was not double-blind so placebo was not taken into consideration. Regardless, the conclusions were considerable enough to reinforce magnesium as a go-to nutrient for ADD.

The mineral magnesium aids in the transmission of messages through the nervous system. Magnesium also calms the nervous system and is also a critical component in the formulation of serotonin. With sufficient amounts of the mineral magnesium in the body, you can think more clear, concentrate better and feel better. These components can help take care of complications like Attention Deficit and hyperactivity.

This potent mineral is critical for neurological energy and is one of the initially minerals reduced during stressful times. Typical signs of magnesium lack include frustration, depressive disorders, nervousness, weakness, mood swings, migraine headaches, trembling, muscular weakness or cramping, nervousness and sleep disruption. Additionally, people with magnesium deficiencies are inclined to be hypersensitive to noises and light. The occurrence of Attention Deficit Disorder and symptoms of asthma can also indicate insufficient magnesium levels in the body. Tourette's syndrome has also been linked with a magnesium lack.

One examination found that over 60 percent of the US population does not meet the suggested daily allowance for magnesium. The body is not able to store magnesium so it has to be received day-to-day. Magnesium is best attained through diet, though supplements are also a viable way to boost magnesium levels in children and adults. The Attention Deficit supplement Attend contains magnesium, coupled with 70 additional ingredients to boost the brain's effectiveness.

Magnesium is plentiful in green produce, dehydrated fruits, nuts and seed products. Magnesium is also abundant in whole-grain products, brown rice and wheat germ. Magnesium is most commonly found in unprocessed foods, which tend to be in many instances lacking in the usual American eating routine. Additionally, magnesium is typically omitted from multivitamin formulations. Magnesium is a bulky mineral that makes the tablet big so multivitamin formulations typically leave magnesium out in order to keep volume down.

Source: Free Articles from

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